10 Natural Breast Development for Women

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More than just providing nutrition for babies, breast for women has become an important thing to increase her appearance and sexiness. That is why women often want to try some ways to increase their breast size. Some sees a surgeon and perform a breast enlargement surgery, some other consume certain medicines or pills to get the same result. While breast size development is medically possible, only a few of them know that there are many natural breast development technique they can try for increasing their breast size.
Breast Massage
This technique comes from old Taoist massage exercise. Rub your palms together to heat them up and locate them right on each breast. Then, massage them in a circular and downward line. Repeat it for about 15 minutes, twice a day (once in the morning and once in the evening). You can also use massage oil from almond, olive, or geranium to perform this technique. The massage will increases the blood flow in your breasts, allowing more phytoestrogen to come into the blood flow and stimulate the growth receptors to work. Some said that after a month full of performing this technique, there will be a significant change seen.
Palm Pushing
Put your two palms on your breasts and push towards your chest, as if you are praying. Count one to five, then relax. Repeat this technique ten times. This technique looks simple, but beyond, it helps your breast muscles to be strong and firmer. There is no limited schedule to perform this technique; you can do it whenever you want.
While you think that push-ups is an exercise for arm muscles, few knows that it also a good exercise for pectoral muscles, That is the muscle that will give a look to your breasts as if they are firmer and larger. Well, you know how to push-ups, don’t you? But here is how a good push-up is supposed to be. Lie face down on the floor. Put your feet and palms apart flat on the floor, and keep your back straight. Now, push yourself up and down while keeping your body straight.
Chair Grip
This technique needs to be performed using a chair with arm rests. It require you to put your arms on the rest and your bady straight. Grip your arms on the chair and push your body up away the chair. Hold for about five seconds, then relax. One set of this technique requires 10 until 15 times grip, and you require 10 set everyday to increase breast size.
Yoga and Pilates
Yoga and pilates give power to your body from within. Both affect your main muscular areas that connected directly to your breasts. That is why yoga and pilates are good to strengthen your breast tissue and muscles, which finally increase your breasts size.
Protein in your body will help you increasing muscle mass. Chicken is a good source of protein. It will help your breasts grow not only by increasing muscle mass, but also by nourishing them with estrogen. Another good meal for your breasts is fenugreek sprouts, which also contains estrogen. You can also try flax, pumpkin seed, sunflower seeds, and anise.
Dong Quai Plant
Ever heard of “dong quai” plant? This plant is rare actually, but some said that it is effective to increase breast size naturally. There are still some medical arguments about this plant.
Gaining Weight
Smaller breasts are usually the problem of thin women, not fat women. So, if you are thin, why don’t you consider a new healthy diet to gain more weight? Gaining weight does not always affect your body entirely, but it will give your breasts a better look.
New Bras
Sometimes it is not your breast that does not look good, it is your bra! Are you really sure that you wear the perfect bra size? Try to re-decide your bra size that suits perfectly with your breast size. Measure the increase of your breast size every six months, and if there are any changes, consider buying some new bras.
Bravo for Brava
Food and Drug Administration has approved Bravo for Brava Enhancement System as a natural development to increase breast size. One cup size of Bravo for Brava will support your breasts with two domes and slight tension, which will give a sensation of pull-and-stretch to your breast tissue.

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